A blog presenting the comic book project, Roscoe and Alice Find God.

Archive for July, 2010

Page 4 Pencils to Ink Comparison

Page 4 is about the ending point of where I feel comfortable showing off the unlettered work of Roscoe and Alice Find God before it’s giving away too much. Beyond this point, you might find significantly less artwork updates until the final pages are revealed. However, given that the Page 2 comparison worked so well, I thought it might be fun to do the same kind of thing for Page 4, but with pencils to inks instead.

Roscoe and Alice Find God Page 4 Pencils to Ink Comparison

I love how much changes in the image just from a coat of ink. Obviously, backgrounds and such will become more fully rendered once the colors are added, but the inks add significant depth and character traits. Jonathan continues to astonish, and make sure you let him know by dropping him a line on Twitter.

CNN Says Reality TV is ‘Shorthand for Everything Wrong with America’

Hey, they said it, not me.

In an article posted today on CNN.com, writer Todd Leopold half assed a defense of reality television, claiming that despite claims to the contrary, not all reality TV is fixed or scripted. He even goes so far to say that while we have to endure drivel (my words, not his) like Jersey Shore, we also get programs like Deadliest Catch that are genuinely compelling TV. Technically, I would consider something like Deadliest Catch or Cake Boss more of a documentary program, but hey, I don’t write for CNN.


Page 3 Inks

School is a tough place for most of us. Especially the awkward, introverted kids (who usually end up being writers). Roscoe is very much one of those children, albeit for different reasons than the rest of us, which you’ll discover in due time. Though it’s only the third page of the story, I wanted to establish Roscoe’s role in the school society immediately, and Jonathan did a hell of a job capturing it.

Feedback has been great thus far, and it’s much appreciated. Tell your friends! Just as a reminder, you can check out Jonathan’s DeviantArt page here: http://furmanjon.deviantart.com/

Mel Gibson & Lindsay Lohan: America’s Sweethearts

In a week with such interesting and important news like a deciphered pre-Biblical language, it’s remarkable to me that mainstream media outlets have such an intense focus on Mel Gibson’s ridiculous tirades and Lindsay Lohan’s trip to the slammer for being a self-centered brat. With an American public so desperate to know the ins and outs of our celebrities, real news is taking a back seat to Hollywood.

More remarkably, the major media outlets are apparently in such a huge rush to cover these Earth-shattering events that their copywriters and proofreaders have disappeared entirely, if this screen shot from CNN’s Nancy Grace blog  is any indication:


Page 2 Inks/Colors Comparison

Leave it to a bit of color to spice things up. For most, this is your first look at the meat and potatoes of what will be the Roscoe and Alice story; though a detective/mystery tale is sort of what comes across from the first page, you’ll see it diverts greatly.


And… Page One Completed (sans Letters)

The man is in the zone, what can I say? Shortly after he sent in his inks and a sample of his color work, I got to feast my eyes upon Jonathan’s gloriously completed first page of Roscoe and Alice Find God. As the first legit comics project that I’ve worked on, the joy of seeing my verbose blurbage come to life on the page is overwhelming. Without further ado:


Page One: Inked!

I admit that I feel as though I’ve been withholding something, having gotten the inked page one over the weekend and haven’t posted it until now. The inks are gorgeous:

Page one serves essentially as the jump off point for the entire plot of Roscoe and Alice, and I think Jonathan has done a superb job of capturing the grim aesthetic that comes with the subject matter. Though page one reeks of noir, the rest of the comic is decidedly less so, but there’s no doubt that I’d love to work with Jonathan on a noir story someday.

Speaking of the stark black and white, after he finished the page, the idea was tossed around at keeping Roscoe and Alice a black and white book, but after the color test of page one’s last panel, I think it’s safe to say that idea is out the window.

On a related note, we haven’t updated since Lindsay Lohan cried her ginger patootie off and got carted to jail. Tough being famous and untouchable isn’t it?

Catholicism Strikes Again!

I find the timing of this breaking news pretty amazing, as it’s completely relevant to the events that take place within Roscoe and Alice Find God, only a day after we officially launched the blog! Reverend Kevin J. Gray of Sacred Heart/Sagrado Corazon Parish in Waterbury, CT stole over 1 million dollars to bankroll benders of fancy hotels, Armani suits and (18+) male escorts. Thanks, Reverend Gray, for making us relevant!


Page One Roughs

There’s always a starting point to every project, and though Roscoe and Alice may have had its origins in another format entirely, eventually common sense and my overbearing sheer love of the medium brought it to comics. That said, even in comic-form the story has gone through some drastic changes over time, the evolution of which I’ll be sure to detail at some later date.

The point is, after all of the push-and-pull, debating, and re-evaluating, when Jonathan sent along the earliest of work, it gave me that warm fuzzy feeling inside that let me know that this bad boy was finally on its way to becoming a reality. And as such, I can now proudly present to you Jonathan’s rough of the very first page of Roscoe and Alice Find God. I realize that most of you have, at this point, no idea what’s going on or what this story is even about. But hey, you’ll find out soon enough.

The Long Trip on the Short Road to Hell

Roscoe and Alice Find God is many things, none of which is a happy existence. This official blog is meant to both document the process of the comic’s creation as well as its evolution. There’s not much to speak of to start, but expect to see it updated with such wonderful goodies as original sketches, roughs, script pages, etc. as they become available.

This is a comic about the despair of fifteen minutes of fame, the lengths one will go to get back in the spotlight, and the pathetic leeches that try to milk you for all your worth. We hope you’ll ride along.